According to the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), about 4 billion people suffer severe water scarcity for at least one month yearly. The report further revealed that more than 2 billion people live in countries with inadequate water supply. A separate report by the WWF revealed that at least two-thirds of the global population will likely face water shortages by 2025.

EHP Technology is proffering effective and efficient technological solutions as the world seeks lasting solutions to the impending danger of this water crisis. According to Professor Birol Kilkis, the scientific consultant of EHP, the technology is designed to offer up to 95% water savings in all products in which it is used.

More Details About EHP Technology

EHP Technology is the brainchild of a team of globally renowned engineers, scientists, and entrepreneurs. They all combined to create the first and only operational 5th-generation nano-based heat transfer technology. The technology can heat and cool homes, factories, and cities cost-effectively and environmentally friendly. It is the first of its kind and the only one in existence.

One of the top-selling points of the technology is that it can use up to 100% renewable energy sources with zero energy cost. According to the team, EHP Technology can solve up to 100% of the world’s energy problems.

EHP Solutions to global water scarcity  

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the global energy system used approximately 370 billion cubic meters of freshwater in 2021. This is roughly 10% of the total global freshwater withdrawals. Water plays a vital role in every aspect of energy supply, from power generation down to fossil fuel production.

With EHP’s revolutionary technology, energy generation can 100% rely on renewable sources. For example, EHP-powered PVT panels use 90% less water and can boast of a 28% more electricity generation rate with much lower pumping cost. EHP Technology is arguably the first and only known technology that can completely end the use of fossil fuels in heating and cooling systems. By solving the world’s energy problem, as it can recover waste heat at low temperatures and integrate with renewable energy sources up to 100%, EHP ensures that the 10% freshwater that goes into the energy supply can be redistributed to the people.

Most of the heating and cooling systems in the market consume a large amount of water to function at optimal levels. However, EHP-based products save up to 95% water and perform more efficiently than most.


Undoubtedly, the global water crisis is an existential threat that must be solved immediately. The EHP approach, albeit new, has all it takes to make this crisis a thing of the past. You can visit the webpage to learn more about EHP Technology, its novel products, and widespread applications across multiple industries.